How to pawn your gold ring – Q&A

Petrol price going up… Eskom pushing for a 20% increase… interest rates hike…need cash fast? That’s completely understandable!  Fortunately, one of the simplest ways to make up those missing rands is by selling off gold jewellery which many of us have stashed away, unused. Unwanted family heirlooms, outdated 80s designs, or rings from an ex…

The 5 Benefits of Pawning your Jewellery

Whether you’re offloading some unused family heirlooms or looking for some extra cash, then pawning your jewellery is an easy way to get the desired result. Here’s a look at five reasons why people turn to pawn shops when selling jewellery – particularly gold jewellery.        1. More realistic valuation For gold jewellery,…

4 Easy Steps to a Cash Loan

If you’re looking for cash loans, you are most certainly not alone. As mentioned in 3 Good Ways to Secure Cash Loans, 86% of South Africans needed to secure cash loans in 2014. Factors such as being blacklisted or having a bad credit record standing may make it very difficult to secure cash loans from…

All about Cash Loans

We explain all you need to know about cash loans in the article below. What are Cash Loans? Cash Loans are sums of money borrowed from a lender for a period of time which will need to be repaid with interest. Cash Loans are usually borrowed from financial institutions such as banks or short term…